Yellow Pages vs. Yellowbook

How many emails and letters do you receive from Yellow Pages asking you to spend money to put your business name on the internet?  Your business is already listed on the internet.  Do a search of your business name to see for yourself.  Some of these offers show the charge of $89 per month or $229 per quarter in the fine print.  Some people that return this offer think that it is for being in the Yellowbook, the printed phone book.  Don’t return this offer by mistake.

Offers to Buy Employee Labor Law Posters

Do you receive offers to buy Employee Labor Law Posters for $40 or $50?  These posters are available free from Iowa Workforce Development.  We have some of these posters available for you in our office.  Please ask for one the next time you are in our office.

Emails from the IRS

Over time people have received phony e-mails claiming to come from the IRS.  The IRS does not send unsolicited e-mails to taxpayers about their tax accounts. Anyone who receives an unsolicited e-mail claiming to come from the IRS should avoid opening any attachments or clicking on any links and providing any personal information.